Hi everyone, it’s time to get the Paws with Penny blog up and running again. Newsletters are great for the big stuff a couple of times a year, but most of us don’t read them very often. Blog posts give us more flexibility to keep in touch and give you what you’d like to know.
Due to the Catnip Casa Cat Refuge property being totally flooded less than four years ago (also the year we formed Catnip Casa), there has been a lot on our plate. Blogging fell to the bottom of the list. Quality of care for the residents always comes first. That’s why you support Catnip Casa and Love & Cuddles.

We might add some slide decks for tips that need more visuals and maybe try a podcast for those who don’t have time to sit and read.
- What pet-related topics do you want to read more about?
- What format do you use most? Podcast, blog post, email, or ?
- Drop a note in the comments or use this Contact link.
Catnip Casa Cat Refuge is proud to be profiled in The Community Cats Podcast for our TNR work and support. We hope you’ll enjoy reading a bit of the history that led up to forming Catnip Casa and Love & Cuddles.
“We stumbled through the door leading to TNR with good intentions and little information.”